Friday, August 29, 2008
Peace On Earth
Speaking of lil' fair-haired blue-eyed angels, mine just turned 11 months yesterday. I can't believe she's almost a year old! She'll be walking and talking in no time. She actually said "nanana" while pointing at the bananas in the grocery store the other day, and it was the cutest thing ever! I'm a lucky gal :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hot days call for hippie dresses.

Also, I'm in love with this wee leather pouch I got at the flea market for 50 cents, and this dress is just the thing to wear it with. Look its got tiny little fringe :D
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (8.26.08)
Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds.

Originally uploaded by O!Rachew!
I love the way globes of different colors and sizes look grouped as collections. I see globes in the thrift stores all the time and have to hold myself back, if only there were a place to put them in our wee home... Sigh. I remember having one of those small globe banks like the two in front when I was a kid. I could probably find a place for some of those, I'll have to keep my eye out. I would definitely find a home for the little globe in this group of thrifted items. The size is perfect and I think the base is very unique looking.

Originally uploaded by ffls haul
Being a bird lover, I thought this poster was cool right off the bat, then I read the description to discover that it's actually six different posters including sea creatures, water birds, and fish... AWESOME... AND it was only $2 at the Salvos... AWESOME-ER! Take a closer look here.
This bird and flower dish is too sweet! O!Rachew! put it in her Etsy shop and it sold but you can take a look at it from different angles here. The colors are really lovely.
I also came across this lovely creation while browsing through the Nifty Thrift pool:

Kim McCabe made this beautiful grapevine wreath for her home using vintage buttons and antique lace, pocketwatch cases, and cabinet cards. Wreaths often have a tendency to get very busy with everything packed together tightly. I love the sparse decoration of this one. It has such a dainty simplicity and the tone on tone color scheme is so pretty. What a wonderful thrifty DIY project this could be, the possibilities are endless :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (8.25.08)

This is why I need to go thrifting in Kansas. Adorable vintage dresses and even adorable-er old lady comfort shoes, which I would like to bring to your attention because THESE are some of the cutest I’ve seen! I love the simplicity of this outfit and the way the black and white shoes look in contrast to the yellows in the dress, it’s striking and unexpected, and it really works. Just a lovely photo overall!
I’d also like to state for the record, that cmt2779 is no novice when it comes to comfort shoes of the granny variety. In fact, according to my research (I am a scientist after all ;), I do believe that this gal was the first wardrobe remixer ever to rock the SAS! Back when I thrifted mine, which were, much to my amusement, later featured on Painfully Hip, I did a search in wardrobe_remix for SAS shoes to see how or if others had worn them. That’s when I came across this from summer of 07’. Thanks cmt2779, for so stylishly and gracefully paving the way for the rest of us!
Check out the 100% Thrifted flickr group for more fabulous fully thrifted outfits :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Everything's coming up roses...

Finding a hand made vintage sixties minidress, navy and covered in red embroidered roses, for a dollar at a rummage sale... in my book, that's about as good as it gets ;)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Parallels in Style

Friday, August 22, 2008
Today's Outfit: The Last Minute Romper
After searching all spring and summer long for a romper and coming across zilch, I had long given up hope, when wouldn't you know it, last weekend at a rummage sale I came across this little Hawaiian print number and one exactly like it in blue for a dollar each. I also got the multicolored patchwork leather purse for 50 cents!!!
Unfortunately, summer is all but over and there won't be much time left to wear them... sigh. Oh well, at least the sun is shining bright today and better late than never I say!
Belt, sunnies, and shoes previously thrifted from Salvation Army, making today's outfit 100% thrifted, woohoo!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Internets and BFF's
When I started this here blogity blog and joined wardrobe_remix about 6 months ago, I really didn't comprehend the amazing social aspect of it all. Between the blogosphere and flickr groups and the overlap between the two, it's so much fun to "meet" so many wonderful gals around the globe with similar interests and creative perspectives to share.
It's especially cool as someone who is a bit shy and would definitely not classify herself as socially outgoing in the "real world". Meeting new people has always been somewhat of a challenge for me, so this is really a fun experience. Not to mention, the large majority of my time these days is spent hangin' with my pre-toddler, which is no doubt a beautiful thing, but lets just say adult interaction is always welcome :)
Speaking of wonderful gals around the globe, there happens to be one in particular who has come to feel like a dear old friend even though we've only been corresponding for a matter of months and have never actually met. Me in California, her in Finland, brought together by our uncanny appreciation for the same types of styles and a series of magical coincidences which continue to weave there way through our lives on a regular basis, somehow making this friendship seem destined to be.
I'm sure a lot of you already know I'm talking about Milla or if you know her from flickr, the lovely and ever stylish, sunshineupton. I've sung her praises before, so I won't let this turn into a complete gush fest, but I did want to share this amazing outfit that just arrived in her latest care package that I was SO excited to get over the weekend...
The dress was a castoff that she rescued from Buffalo Exchange limbo last summer while in Portland, but the fit just wasn't right on her (I believe she used the term muu-muu to describe) so she passed it on to me in hopes that it would find the perfect home. Well, I'm here to tell you that it definitely did, and I don't think it could be more perfect! Especially when paired with the adorable little girl silhouette pendant she sent...

This is Jean Jeans, the coolest vintage French paper doll from the seventies that ever was, complete with pages of fabtastic denim outfits!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (8.19.08)
Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds.
Much like gorgeous thrifted outfits this week, super thrift finds were running rampant on flickr as well. So again, I'm not going to try to narrow it down. Here for your viewing pleasure is a sampling of the thrifty goodness:

Originally uploaded by studiosmith

Originally uploaded by corrosiveheart

Originally uploaded by Dayben

Originally uploaded by Kultur*

Originally uploaded by littlepinkstudio

Originally uploaded by cottonblue

Originally uploaded by revolutionarygirl
OK, so that was a somewhat random assortment of items. Now, of course I'd like to take them all home... they are my picks after all. But, I'm curious about what you think. Which of these items, if any, would YOU be stoked to find whilst thrift-speditioning?
Monday, August 18, 2008
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (8.18.08)
Honestly, there were so many great outfits in the 100% Thrifted flickr pool, there was no way I was narrowing it down to just one. So, here is a sampling of the awesomosity that was 100% Thrifted this week (all pics link to the original on flickr):
You know I’m a sucker for a cute 60’s minidress, especially one with adorable lacy detailing like that oversized peter pan collar and bib!
I have one word for you people: S-K-O-R-T! Oh yes, there’s nothing like the wind in your skort to make it look extra fabulous! Lambandlynx is a 90’s revival goddess!
IBelieveInUnicorns shows us another of her adorable thrifted-nightgown-turned-dress creations. This is really quite a skill she has! I think she should start a business selling altered nightgown dresses :)
Lastly but definitely not least, I'm just going to link to this one because the photo had no "blog this" option. Ellayegee does red, white, and blue to absolute vintage PERFECTION! I think this just may be the color combo of the summer and I love how it became more of a nautical look rather than Fourth of July patriotic. Lucky girl, she got that amazing dress at a clothing swap too, which reminds me… I still have a dress I need to wear!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Flea Market Sunday
Clover and I took a stroll down to the flea market for some Sunday browsing. Of course our first stop is always to see the vintage clothing lady with her tarp o' treasures:
This is her. She's so adorable and very sweet. Apparently she used to have vintage clothing shops in the area and is now selling off her stock at the monthly flea market. I can only imagine how incredible this stock must be as every month she has so many new and amazing pieces! She just piles them all out on the huge tarp for vintage hungry bargain hunters to dig through, and believe me there are some amazing deals to be had.
Just ask this girl on the right, she had a huge pile of awesomeness by the time she was done digging, a few items I would have liked to have snagged for myself, including the sheer white dress being laid onto the pile in the previous pic. And who's that I see back there knee deep in vintage goodness?
Well if it isn't the lovely Laura Jane and her son Karl, who we just happened to run into. Imagine that, what are the odds? Pretty good actually ;) She lives right down the street too.
After some recent thrifting and rummage saleing the day before, I was feeling like I needed to take a little break from buying myself more clothes, and I hope you all haven't started getting sick of my outfit posts yet because I should have a bunch coming up. Unfortunately though, I didn't buy that adorable little number with the strawberries that she was trying to tempt me with.
Why then, you may be wondering, did I head straight for this vendor? Well, lets just say I was shopping for a friend ;) but more on that in a later post. This was another exceptionally well-dressed browser, hence my feeble attempt at stealth street style photography.
I then followed the musical sounds of a country hoe-down all the way across the parking lot to find, to my delight, square dancers!
They were called The Circle 'N Squares, and they were so freakin' cute! Especially that lady in the middle there, she stole my heart :) They were handing out flyers and do-se-do-ing there little hearts out to promote their square dancing classes on Thursday nights. First week is free...