That's me at age one with Gringa, my beloved Raggedy Ann doll (previously mentioned here), remember her? Well, lucky for me, Laura Jane did and on her trip to New York to visit her sister, she thrifted me these wonderful pants of amazingness:
Can you believe they found their way to me all the way from a Goodwill in Manhattan?! Laura Jane brought them over all rolled up and tied with a bow and let me tell you, when I unrolled them and beheld all their vintage glory, it was truly love at first sight! Laura Jane, you are like my thrifting fairy godmother (further evidence here)! I love it, whenever you go visit family I somehow end up with an amazing thrifted article of clothing! :)
I couldn't believe it, vintage girl's pants in the most perfect shade of green with Raggedy Ann embroidered on one flared leg and Andy on the other running toward each other with glee and flowers and butterflies... WHAT?! Does it get any better than that?! I don't think so.
Gringa! Isn't she adorable? I also couldn't believe what great condition they were in. Other than a few very faded bleach spots, they are pristine and even still have the creases going down each leg.
Not bad for children's pants from 1978, yup, the year is actually embroidered ON the pants! Can anyone make out what the company name is? It looks like "The Bobbs Merrill Company Inc" to me. Also, they have the most amazing orange stitching!
Oh, and I LOVE this!
The best part though is that when I put them on... THEY FIT!!! I guess even at 36 I'll always be a growing girl ;) Thank you, thank you, thank you Laura Jane!!!
Love love love. also peace.
How great is that?! They were MEANT for you. And I love that you renamed your doll Gringa. So creative. I named my goldfish Goldie and my brown hamster Brownie. Very practical :)
Those look ridiculously adorable on you. It's lovely when vintage items find exactly the right home to go to!
Those are seriously awesome, and totally the perfect pants for you! :-) happiness.
You look so incredibly chic with those babies on. They are gorgeous. And they look perfect with your MJ's.
Totally agreed - it doesn't get any better than that!
Awesome. You are rocking those pants. I recently dug out my old Raggedy Ann from childhood, I think she is now sitting astride a two-headed dragon on one of the boys' toy shelves. A fave "golden book" of Wiley's is a Raggedy Ann and Andy help Santa type story that is also from my childhood.
what a great cut, and i LOVE the way you combined them!
righteous! It's amazing things like that were made in the first place! So cute!
Those pants told me they would be sad if they didn't get to come to California and meet you. I am happy to have made the introduction!
I am still amazed that they fit.
OMG! I can't wait to walk downtown with you in them!
Thanks so so much everyone for your sweet comments!
diane: I didn't really rename her on purpose. I think "Gringa" is just how the words Raggedy Ann came out of my two-year old mouth :)
madamOwl: That's so great that you still have things from your childhood, I wish I did!
Laura Jane: You are quite the thrifty matchmaker the way you brought us together, the pants and I, I think it's love ;) Thanks again and you need to fill me in on what is on your wishlist so I can try to return the favor!
those are adorably kitschy!
i was seriously on the edge of my seat through this entire post, waiting to see if they fit you.
i am SO glad this story had a happy ending :)
Oh, oh, oh. She was my favourite as a kid, I used to watch this video all the time. I love how you totally pull off those pants.
You really are a stylistic genius.
those are so flippin rad! They are the perfect length too! I once worked at a vintage store where they had a pair of black velvet kids pants with a rainbow appliqued on and a cauldron, leprechaun and gold coins spilling all down the legs!
Aw, how lovely! :)
i'm pretty sure those are the best pants ever, even including the cookie monster patchwork pants i owned back then.
omg!!!!!those pants! thnx for linking this!
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