Remember the dress I said had to be seen "on" to be fully appreciated? Well, here it is... on :) It's super comfortable and drapes like a dream. The very best thing about it though are the big pleated pockets! What is it about dresses and skirts with pockets?
Guinness, our cat and yes he's named after beer, hopped up during my little photo shoot. Isn't he handsome? He's 12 years old and we've had him since you could hold him in the palm of one hand. He was part of an abandoned litter that a customer from the coffee shop Lucas worked in found one morning. All the other kittens ran off but Guinness was too weak and dehydrated to move. The person brought him into the coffee shop on his way to work and Lucas took him in. We nursed him back to health with an eye-dropper and a carton of half-n-half. He's the best cat ever :)
that dress looks so pretty and comfortable, and the colors really flatter you. what a lovely cat - you are wonderful to have saved him!
That dress is really unique! I like it a lot. Your cat is cute, it's so crazy thinking about nursing a little kitten to health!
Sweet kitty story! I love anything with pockets, it means you can go out without a bag because you can slip your keys and bits and pieces in your pockets and just go.
aaawww! Guinness upstaged your dress with cuteness (it's commonly know as the Clover-effect: a perfectly adorable outfit gets overshadowed by a cute infant and/or cuddly animal)
What a great story! And the dress looks like it was made for you.
This is really pretty! It works on your slender figure (on me those pleats would be horror - AHHH). Dresses with pockets are so relaxed and comfy, I love em too.
Beautiful dress!
Wow, you really look very pretty in this dress! Also love the shoes!
Ah and your cat is such a sweety, i love cats so much...
:) Mila.
What a wonderful, breezy, flattering dress!
And cute kitty :)
Awww... kitty! He really is a handsome chap... makes me miss my childhood tabby, Tigerlily.
what a sweet kitty story! plus thats a lovely dress on you (:
Thanks so so much everyone for all your dress and kitty love!
Milla: I bet Guinness would have a different definition of the Clover-effect for you. Poor kitty, she terrorizes him!
Spandexpony: I LOVE the name Tigerlily for a tabby!
The dress is beautiful. LOVE the pockets. It looks easy to wear. Great find. Glad that kitty made the picture so we could know the story too.
1. the dress is awesome!
2. your kitty is adorable. something about cats, they just get prettier as they age!
3. you somehow manage to always - and i mean without fail - leave me the most perfect comments.
thank you. so much.
Wow, you're channeling the Snail and the Cyclops today while still looking like your lovely self! That dress is awesome.
Guiness is a beautiful cat (and that's a great name). His svelte figure puts Mink to shame. I love that even your cat is thrifted :)
I wanted to thank you for the amazing comment you left me. I really appreciate you took the time for that and really said good things that made me think. In a good way.
Thanks a lot for that.
I am looking forward to your next post! ;)
The dress is so romantic Missa. It deserves to have walks in meadows and by bubbling creeks. Guinness (my husbands perfect breakfast-beer not the cat) is clever to sneak into the photo. He looks perfect with you.
this dress is beautiful!
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