Isn't it cool how the colors of these two awesome pairs of shoes make up the colors in the adorable fox print?... I didn't consciously plan that.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (2.25.09)
Isn't it cool how the colors of these two awesome pairs of shoes make up the colors in the adorable fox print?... I didn't consciously plan that.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (2.24.09)
The amazing nemrespobjecodnedjelje does it again! I just love the way she seems to so effortlessly tow the line between crazy and brilliant to produce outfits that are consistently, well… crazy brilliant, and with such ease and grace. Truly a wonder to behold!
Here she’s taken plaid mixing to a whole new level and I’m loving the green/red contrast as well as how perfectly her shirt and hat are echoing the snow covered trees in the background. I think that might actually be the most perfect plaid shirt I’ve ever seen :)
Her outfit immediately reminded me of the plaidtastic D&G Fall 2008 collection, so if you (as I am) are now feeling inspired to get crazy with the plaids, here’s some more wondrous plaid mixing inspiration:

Check out the 100% Thrifted flickr group for more fabulous fully thrifted outfits.
Monday, February 23, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Latest in Loot: Installment 3, Cozy Knits and Shades of Pale
Just a few more finds to go :) This sweater vest, I got for $3.80 at Salvos. I like that the neutral color goes with everything, yet if you enlarge it you can see all the fun little colorful specks throughout the yarn (they remind me of cupcake sprinkles:). I'm thinking this will be perfect with my new tan pants.
I found this lil' vintage sweater at Salvos as well for $3. How sweet is the embroidery and that collar?!
I also found the vintage "pale mauve" tights for $1. The color goes so well with the sweater's embroidered flowers and you've gotta love the vintage packaging.
This vintage mohair skirt is another favorite recent find for $2.70 at the New To You thrift. It just has that high quality garment feel to it and I think the accompanying suede belt is so cool, the way it's two belts but one belt and the colors are great too.
I like the skirt paired with the above sweater. That's actually what I wore out on my birthday, though only for a short while, so of course I never got a chance to take pictures. I'll have to wear it again sometime and document. I was pretty excited to find these vintage leather t-strap granny comfort shoes for $3 at Salvos as well. I like the simple moccasin-like detailing on the tops, and like my woven oxfords, I think I'll be able to wear these with so many different things.
The fabric under the shoes is actually a dark navy floral (you can see this and the fact that it's corduroy when enlarged). It's a tiny sneak peek at a reconstruction project I have yet to start, but I'm pretty excited about it. After I've had a chance to dust off the old sewing machine and figure out how to use it again (it's been awhile, I'm sure the manual will be involved) you will hopefully be seeing more of this. A couple of white lacy tops, $4 each from Goodwill. I've mentioned being into the white lacy stuff lately and I think these will be nice to have going into Spring.
Speaking of Spring, this vintage silky cream top with pearly buttons will be perfect for layering and for wearing on it's own when the weather gets hot.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Latest in Loot: Installment 2, Pattern & Color
All pics can be enlarged by clicking for detail :) This red leather bag ($2, Angel's Attic Thrift) is a favorite new find. So many wonderful colors and shapes in the amazing stitched-on leather pattern (front, back, and sides) It even has snaps in two places so that it can be a larger bag (perfect size for toting magazines, I had 4 in there when I took the third pic) or folded up to half the size. Style AND ingenious!
I came across this smock for a couple of bucks at the Goodwill and it immediately brought back memories of arts and crafts time in kindergarten. I remember there being a big box of smocks in all different shapes, colors, and patterns. The kids would choose from it when it was time to do arts/crafts projects. Of course it was the 70's, so they all looked a little something like this. It figures that when the time came to get creative, I was most interested in perusing the smock box ;)
During my trip to Angel's Attic, when I found the bag, I also found this sweet blue one for $1.50. It ties in the back and has a big pocket in front that's hard to see in the picture. I knew right away that the two had to be together:
I love the tiny floral prints, don't they make the sweetest pair! I'm hoping to come across more so I can start a smock box for when Clover gets older and has friends and cousins over for fingerpainting and what not :D
Until then, they're actually really cute on and I think I may have to try to work them into some outfits this Spring. I about fell over when I found this vintage unicorn towel-of-amazingness hidden in with all the far less exciting towels at the Goodwill for $2. It's huge like a beach towel, in great shape, and I'm convinced that it is most definitely the coolest towel EVER!
The two vintage elephant planters in the back were thrifted back when I was still pregnant and looking for things to decorate a space for Clover-to-be. I recently found this sweet lil' guy in front to join the herd, which currently resides on the dresser in Clover's Corner.
Vintage needlebooks and an Asparagus Fern embroidery kit all for $1 each at Angel's Attic (it was a good day there). The needlebooks are great and quite old, I'm sure they're worth more than a dollar a piece, they all had original price tags on them for $6-$8 each.
I love finding fun framed vintage embroidery at the thrift stores and now I can make my own! I'm also very into ferns of all kinds right now so that makes it extra good :) Yay! I finally thrifted a Polaroid camera, which is something I've been wanting for ages. They were charging $7 for it at the Salvos down the street, but I went on 50% off day and got it for only $3.50. Much to my delight, I got it home to find that there was STILL FILM IN IT! Five pics, unfortunately the first one, not realizing there was film in the camera, was wasted on a photo of Lucas' arm.
I took two more then it jammed, so I opened it up, ruining another, and took this final picture of Clover on my bed. Even though she looks a little dear-caught-in-headlights, I really like the soft colors and overexposed quality. Now I'm itching for more, so if anyone knows a good place to buy 600 film online, please let me know! They were actually still recently selling it at my local Target but when I went in to buy some, they had run out :(
Still more finds to come!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (2.18.09)
I've been watching lots of Mad Men lately ;)
(Title of top pamphlet: "HOW TO BE Enthusiastic ALL THE TIME"... so great.)