I'm a shopper by nature. Shopping brings me joy, I don't even need to buy anything. I just love the process of searching for the perfect whatever both for myself and other people. I enjoy shopping for gifts, hunting down just the right thing for a given person, and creative gift wrapping is something that makes me happy... really happy. I usually go the ribbon and fresh flowers from my yard route, but I love this idea featured in a shot from stylist Stella Nicholaisen's portfolio (via Desire to Inspire). A tea cup or saucer in lieu of a traditional bow not only makes for gorgeous gift giving, it also fits right in with my ongoing quest for ways to use my thrifted teacups.
This got me thinking about ways to use other commonly thrifted items as interesting gift wrap options.This combination of baker's twine and a single vintage button (via noddyboom's flickr) is so simple, yet so perfectly sweet!
I was inspired to see what I could do with what I had on hand. For years I have been thrifting various calico fabric remnants in hopes of someday making a quilt. (This has yet to occur. In reality I'm not all that crafty, but I'd really like to think that I could be if I tried, and even that I will be one day as soon as I get around to it. I have ideas, I just need to get better about following through.) So one piece of fabric, one thrifted vintage handkerchief (another one of those items I collect and don't know what to do with), one vintage flea market brooch, some recycled ribbon from a gift given to me, and a couple of safety pins later, I produced this pretty little package. Perfect with Mother's Day coming up and the possible variations are endless. I also thought about using a pendant in place of the brooch and what a perfect way to make use of a lone ear ring. Check me out, how Martha Stewart am I ? 

Wow this package is awesome! I'm so stealing your fabric idea it's great for wrapping paper! You are such a crafty gal! And I collect old hankies tooo! They're so pretty! In Portland at one market I met this girl who sewed tops from them. The hankies attached the straps to the tops. They were so pretty, but I didn't buy one alas, 'cos we were trying to slum it (we'd slept the night before in the back of the truck;) I still regret that though.
I absolutely love, love, love the teacup idea! And I love wrapping with fabric as well. The hanky and trim make it extra special.
Great ideas!
Thanks girls, I'm so glad you liked the ideas!
milla: Hankies... yet another thing we have in common :) They are really starting to add up, huh? The hankie tops sound really cool, you should make one yourself! Sacks, the thrift store with the window displays, has two giant binders full of vintage hankies that I love to flip through and drool over but they charge 5 bucks each. Probably good, otherwise I would be drowning in them.
That is just beautiful! And i just might need to "borrow" that idea from you. My fellow vintage-loving sister has a birthday coming up soon!
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