Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
I snapped these shots of the window displays at Sacks Hospice Thrift yesterday. I was out trying to thrift myself something shiny and festive to wear to our friend Joey’s party tonight.
I picked up a really wacky/great part metallic shimmery, part black sheer crazy iridescent multi-jewel-toned drapey jacket thing that kind of looks like a flowy blazer of sorts (I know, it defies all reason). It’s like nothing else in my closet which is what I kinda love about it. Now the challenge at hand is to figure out what the heck to wear it with. Hopefully I will be successful and pictures will follow!
A very Happy New Year to all my lovely readers! Thanks so much you guys for continuing to stop by, and know that your comments are always so enjoyed and appreciated. Hearing from you really does brighten my days :) Wishing you all a wonderful 2010!
Monday, December 28, 2009
It began bright and early with stockings, lattes, and watching Clover and her cousins open presents across the street at my sister-in-law Isolde’s house.
A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across this gorgeous sterling silver heart bracelet at a funky little antique shop. I mentioned how perfect it was with it’s enamel yellow roses on the larger heart and clovers(!) on all the little hearts.
My wonderful husband surprised me with it in my stocking Christmas morning… I was hoping ;) I love it so much, I haven’t taken it off.We ate a delicious brunch and drank mimosas later in the morning at a larger family gathering at my sister-in-law Kelcey’s house. Clover got to open even more presents and as you can see, she got REALLY into it this year!
Enjoying some down time with papa… aren’t they sweet? I’m a lucky gal for sure.

She made that amazing felted bag on the chair next to her too, and I wish I would have taken a picture of the felted slippers she made, they were so cool. I envy her crafting skills big time!
Just chillin’ with their cute little kitty, Bella.

Tait hopped on the piano and played this song from Amelie for us. He plays several instruments and composes his own music on the piano too, he’s pretty amazing, and has been since he was just a little tike.
Speaking of little tikes, I love watching Clover milling about in the corner at the tiny play kitchen, unable to sit still even for a second : )
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Basics
This was LAST Thursday’s outfit, where is the time going?! With all this holiday hustling and bustling, how is a girl supposed to keep up with presenting her outfits to the world wide webs-ky in a timely manner? I tell ya… ;)
I wanted to share this particular 100% thrifted (tights excluded) outfit though because it features two new casual wardrobe basics that I am currently loving.

Enter, my new uber-high-waisted faded red denim Guess skirt… yes, GUESS?, complete with the once coveted upside down triangle on the back pocket… oh, my sixth grade self would be so jealous! It couldn’t be a more perfect fit and it actually came to me in an awesome thrift package sent by my friend Angelina who has seen me in person but was never given my sizing or measurements… she is just that good. Thanks so much Ange, I love it!
I added a couple of layers, 90’s inspired of course, to keep things cozy. The vintage plaid shirt I found over the summer for .75 at the Welfare League Thrift and my cashmere grandpa cardigan found last year is now an old favorite go-to-piece for coziness.
Ok, well now I’m in the mood for a little iconic 90’s goodness…
Here’s Sonic Youth‘s Sugar Kane video to transport us back to 1992, when grunge was first making its way onto the runways and a young Sassy magazine intern named Chloe was first making her way into the limelight… ah, the good old days : )
(Sorry about the crappy picture quality *shakes fist at youtube*. There's a cleaner version here if you are logged into yahoo.)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
When it comes to jewelry wearing, it's sad to say, I’ve grown increasingly lazy over the years. First it was the earrings that I couldn’t be bothered with, then the rings (except my wedding ring of course). I’ve always liked bracelets but they too seem to have fallen by the wayside. Necklaces are the only jewelry item that I manage to wear on a regular basis these days.
Lately though my inner style pendulum appears to be swinging in the opposite direction as I’ve been growing increasingly smitten with the look of big statement rings on multiple fingers, piled on pendants, and tangles of bangles mixed with more delicate wrist adornments… and in all cases the earthier and more mismatched, the better.
While it remains to be seen whether this growing appreciation for “hippie bling?” will motivate me to attempt pulling off something of the above nature, I've at least managed to pull out some old bracelets and rings that haven’t seen the light of day in years. Not to mention, I will be haunting the thrift store jewelry counters with new vigor effective immediately!
(images via: weheartit, the streethearts, smoke and sassafrass, drifted abound, and teeth teeth teeth)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Boy, Oh Boy
This was an outfit from a few days ago, in which I made my first attempt at wearing the vintage blazer found recently at the Goodwill. Blazers seem to be everywhere these days and just when I thought it was a trend that I would be skipping (they can be tricky fit-wise), this one came along and there you have it, I'm dressed like a boy.
The vintage plaid shirt is one I thrifted for Lucas awhile back (the label says: The Men's Store) but I'm kinda liking it for me now, the little plaid hair bow is from a thrifted vintage boy's bow tie, and the sock/shoe combo was inspired by this.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'd show you what I wore to storytime this week, but it really just paled in comparison.
P.S. - Remember those awesome tie-dyed leggings from my previous post?... Go here to be tutorialed (it should be a word) on how to make them, by the designer herself! Thanks for the tip Alexa!
Monday, December 7, 2009
To Dye For
I fell in love with Shabd Simon-Alexander's amazing tie-dye pieces back when I first saw the spring 09 collection. Unfortunately, such beautiful craftsmanship, though I'm sure worth every penny, doesn't quite fit into the current budget.
Enter this tie-dye silk scarf I dug out of a basket of dollar scarves today at the Welfare League thrift. It made me think of the SHABD collection and these in particular:
"...hand dyed accent pieces, inspired by Hubble telescope photos of worlds being born and stars dying."
Now, what better to be inspired by?
And what are the odds of me running into a pair of these awesome leggings in a thrift store?