Monday, May 23, 2011

Parades, Past and Present

On Saturday morning we rounded up the troops (family/friends/neighbors… we’re lucky to have a lot of overlap involved in these categories :) and walked downtown for the annual Rose Parade. Unlike last year, I didn’t take any pictures. It was just one of those days I felt like experiencing rather than documenting, as all bloggers know, it can sometimes be tricky to do both.

Clover is such a huge fan of anything that involves putting on a show, be it a play, a puppet show, live music, I’m always impressed with her ability to focus her attention on any type of performance and just really take it all in without getting bored or distracted like you might expect from a child her age.

So of course, a parade is right up her ally and I had a wonderful time enjoying the show through her eyes. Not to mention, a parade always brings back my own nostalgic memories of the town parades I went to as a little kid back in the 70’s…

That’s four-year-old me on the left. I befriended the little girl with the braids while sitting on the curb watching the magic unfold. My dad with his trusty 35 mm provided the documentation...

I love these snap shots, the small town Americana, the rainbow of colors, the quirky shots of random people in the crowd (I have no idea who these two girls are, but isn't that photo awesome?) I love the way my dad’s sense of humor shines through. The tongue-in-cheek patriotism of the images.

In fact, I think my nostalgia for this time period has less to do with my own actual memories and more to do with all the wonderful images that my father created back in those days when he was passionately exploring photography.

Images that I cherish, especially as I grow more and more in love with photography myself and find joy in creating images that could one day bring light and form to my own little girl’s nostalgic childhood memories :)

Hope you all had a fun weekend!

(Edit: Bonus points to Nicole for spotting the Kennedy in the crowd! I can't believe I didn't realize the tall guy in the suit is indeed a young TED KENNEDY! Talk about kicking the nostalgic Americana up a notch...)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Mother's Day In Bloom




















A family stroll through the acres of enchanted woodland gardens at the Sonoma Horticultural Nursery in Sebastopol. Absolutely not to be missed this time of year. Rhododendrons, azaleas, clematis, wisteria, dogwood, redbud, iris, foxglove, columbine...

I guess you could say I got flowers for Mother's Day... not to mention, my very own flower fairy! I am one lucky mama :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

May Day! May Day!

May Day

This sweet little beauty of a dress was one of several vintage gems that came to me by way of a lovingly assembled, thoughtfully themed care package presented to me in person on this magical night by the lovely and wondrous spirit that is Heather :)

Her theme was Beachy Village, so lovely: “I was imagining music on an old wooden pier, blues & whites & lavender. Sand underfoot and a warm cresent moon smiling overhead.” *sigh*

I wore the dress to the May Day celebration at Clover’s preschool. It felt perfect for the occasion, and even reminded me of something I might have worn at her age.

Pearly Buttons

The delicate details: sheer puff sleeves, tiny pearl buttons, lace collar and trim, along with my girl picking flowers necklace (better view here), an old pre-blogging days thrift find.

Last years maypole involved a rainbow of paper streamers. This year, they stepped it up a notch with beautiful ribbons of fabric in sweet, springy patterns and colors.

May Day Mama

If you’re wondering where Clover is in most of these pictures, the answer is right here, attached to the hem of my dress. She was having one of those days.

Maypole Mayhem

There is nothing orderly about dancing around the maypole with a bunch of 2-4 year olds, it all inevitably ends in complete and utter maypole madness. Could this be where the term mayhem comes from, or perhaps the distress call "mayday! mayday!" ;)

Yeah, it seems I am not above a little mini-muffin bribery to get my girl to pose for me with one of her besties. Clover’s pal Lillia, who you’ve seen before, most recently dying eggs with Clover in her backyard, is the daughter of friends of ours. These two were born only two weeks apart.

Skyward Wound

As I was in the middle of taking a picture of the maypole, this little sweetheart came up and tugged on my dress. When I stopped and looked down at her, she looked up at me with sparkles in her eyes and a big smile on her face and said “You’re beautiful.” Oh my goodness, talk about heart-melting! Of course I informed her of her own beauty, and then snapped this shot : )

Birthday Girl

Wee cupcakes and lemonade in the play yard to celebrate the birthday of yet another of Clover’s besties, Maiya, our little girl next door.

Then it was off into the neighborhood with a red wagon full of colorful little handmade paper baskets. Each filled by the kids with fresh picked flowers to brighten some lucky neighbors day.

The kids had so much fun marching up to set baskets down on each doorstep and then running off to hide before the door was answered so they could all jump out and scream Happy May Day!

Of course the neighbors get such a kick out of these smiling little faces showing up at their doorstep with flowers every year. This guy’s reaction was especially sweet and touching. It seems this old fashioned May Day tradition brings joy to all involved.

I hope your May Day involved flowers, smiles, and joy this year as well!