Ok, ready for a little time travel? We're going back to this time last month, the weekend I first started coming down with my dreaded cough to be exact. As I mentioned, during my time away from Blogland, there were several blog-worthy events that occurred. The first being my mother-in-law Oosa's beautiful wedding.
Remember back when I went wedding dress shopping with her? Well, you finally get to see the amazing dress she found in action!
Obviously, that's not it, haha. That's the adorable vintage dress that my sister Val gifted me straight from her very own closet to wear for the occasion. I tried it on to borrow and it was such a perfect fit that she said I could keep it, awesome sis, right? It's the sweetest dress and I just adore it.
Val was also in attendance as the official photographer and spent her time at this wedding behind the camera. She then got married herself the very next weekend! You'll be seeing plenty of her in my next catch up post :)

The wedding was a bit surreal for us because it took place on the same farm where Lucas and I got married seven years ago (bringing back lots of memories) and where Clover now attends preschool (when we arrived, she was like “Mama, where are all the kids?”).
Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow all decked out in bride and groom attire at the entrance were one of many parallels with our own wedding.

Oosa was such a radiant bride, absolutely glowing! Val took this photo in front of a mural painted on one of the walls in the bedroom that was used to prep for the ceremony. I love how her hair blends with the mountains in the background.

Lucas’ sister Kelcie putting the final touches on the bouquet she made for her mom.
Kelcie’s oldest daughter Chiara wore her aunt Zoe’s dress that Kelcie hand-made for her sister's wedding over 15 years ago, even the lace work was done by hand!

As you can see, the dress was gorgeous on our lovely niece Chiara. She and our nephew Jonathan were also in our wedding, though just little kids at the time.
This little kid was pretty excited about her very first flower girl gig :)
Clover did such a great job leading off the procession of grandchildren with her cousin Fiona. Her dress is one that has been handed down through the cousins and once belonged to Vida in the polka dot dress in the back. So many adorable dresses making their way through the girls of this family!

And of course the dress we've all been waiting for, doesn’t it look beautiful on her? Geoff, the groom, was visibly blown away (and rightly so!) as Lucas walked his mom up to her husband-to-be. I don’t think we could have found a more perfect dress.
That was such a great moment when one of the resident farm cats decided to wander up during the ceremony and check things out :)

The ceremony took place up in the field, under the same wise old oak tree that yours truly spoke her vows beneath. Though the weather was a bit drizzly early on and looking like it might even rain, as if summoned by all the love in the air, the sun broke through the clouds just as the ceremony was getting underway and it turned out to be a gorgeous day.
As for the ceremony itself, it was a lovely series of truly special moments. The joining of two people quite obviously brimming with love for one another… so wonderful to be a part of.

Geoff’s son and daughter-in-law performed the song for their fist dance. There's a little video I took at the end of the post. It was soooo sweet, 70 years old and just beaming away at each other like a couple of kids :)

Speaking of kids, the cake table was a popular hang out spot with the little ones.
I love this picture that Chiara took of Clover.
My brother-in-law Tim’s 40’s/50’s swing/blues band played. That’s him on stand-up base. They also played at our wedding, back when they were a brand new band. Our tiny dancer danced her little heart out with auntie Zoe.
Most of the photos in this post were taken by Val, and some by Chiara too, with cameras much nicer than mine, but this last one I took as the moon was rising over the farm and the party was winding down. I’ll leave you with that little video I mentioned before :
Aw... :)