A few weeks back I thrifted another polaroid camera. I got it at Salvation Army for $6 on half-off day but the really awesome part was that the camera already had film in it with 5 pictures left AND a full package of 600 film taped to the top! I would have gladly paid the six bucks for the box of film alone!
Not wanting to waste the precious film, the camera had been sitting unused, but Sunday afternoon while lounging barefoot in the backyard and watching Clover play with her new pals Max and Ruby, I knew it was time to try it out.
Still in her Easter dress from the day's earlier festivities (egg hunting, delicious brunch eating, live baby chick petting, a day on a farm with family and friends...), I followed her around the yard using up the camera's remaining film while experimenting with different lighting conditions and such.
With two shots left, I plopped her and her two little Easter buddies down in the patch of wild onion flowering beneath our plum tree where I took the above photo. It's my favorite of the bunch.
Since I don't have a scanner, I had to resort to taking a digital photo of it and cropping it in Photoshop. I edited the picture just by clicking the Auto Levels adjustment (the original is more washed out) and just loved the colorized effect that it gave. It kind of reminds me of one of those wonderful old autochrome photos.
Clover's Easter dress was a gift thrifted by my sister-in-law (the same one responsible for the awesome tiger suit, thanks Isolde!) It's the sweetest little vintage thing. Crisp 100% cotton with a peter pan collar, smocking with tiny embroidered flowers, and lil' puffed sleeves. Viewed full-size, you can see that it's actually white covered in the tiniest of red polka dots. Once she outgrows it, I'll probably hang it on her wall or something :)

Just a couple more shots taken over the weekend in our backyard. Learning how to pull weeds with Papa (hopefully she will inherit his amazing green thumb) and teaching our cat the art of flower sniffing (poor guy puts up with so much).
I can't help it, she's been so darn cute lately all I want to do is follow her around snapping pictures ;)