Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds.
This weeks theme, lovely collections:
I NEED to find a cute little pair of brown booties to wear with sweet girly peter pan collared dresses like these… and everything else I own for that matter!
Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds.
As my own kitchen is currently a mess, awaiting a planned expansion and remodel that is unfortunately stalled at the permit getting stage, I found inspiration this week in these three lovely thrifty kitchen corners:
Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds. This week's theme is "pairs":
See the 100% Thrifted flickr group for more fabulous fully thrifted outfits!
Over the weekend we headed out to our old stomping grounds of Bodega, Ca. It’s a very small town out in the country passed through when heading west out to the coast. One of those places where everyone knows everyone else and there’s a real sense of community that’s pretty rare these days.
Back in the day, there was such a wonderfully eclectic mix of characters living there… surfers, hippies, artists, fishermen… lots of eccentric types to keep things interesting and then being a quaint stopping point on the way to the beach, you’d get tourists and bikers as well.