It's official, as of 9:30 this morning, my lucky little 4-limbed Clover is one year old! Happy Birthday Sweet Pea! Mama loves you :)
I took this photo of Lucas and Clover on the first evening of our trip. We arrived in Pismo Beach just in time to get the Duck set up then hike out to the beach to catch our first sunset. I love how it shows what a chip-off-the-old-block she is... those two steal my heart with their cute lil' smiles and matching baby blues!
After spending our first night in Pismo, we packed up to head down to Santa Barbara and happened upon this wacky place, where we ate breakfast on our way out of town. The Rock and Roll diner was inside two long train cars attached to form a restaurant.
It was decorated all 50's style with little juke boxes at each booth. The place was totally bizarre, mostly because we were the ONLY ones in there. With Johnny Cash playing in the background and the long row of empty tables, it all felt a bit surreal.

We met up with Lucas' sister Zoe and family on their way back up from a trip to Disneyland. It was great fun camping with them for the rest of the trip. However, their cute lil' teardrop trailer made the poor Duck look quite big and wonky in comparison.
This is my 10-year-old niece Vida, who Clover ADORES. She literally flips out whenever she sees her, it's really cute to watch.

Some interior shots of the Duck before we trashed it. If you're bored (I know how boring looking at pictures of other people's travels can be ;) you can play "Find the Finds" as there are several thrift finds pictured that have previously been posted about.
Oh the irony, Clover is for the most part NOT a fan of "the cage" but you know, sometimes mama just needs a break.
She was indeed a fan of our nice grassy area under the shade tree at San Simeon Creek Campground outside the town of Cambria. As was I, following our El Capitan campsite where the ground was all dirt. She crawled around like Pig Pen for days in a little cloud of dust, dirt-trolling for things like old cigarette butts and bottle caps to put in her mouth, never a dull moment with this one ;)

The town of Cambria was described in one of Zoe's guidebooks as "terminally cute." It really was quite the quaint little town.

Home of the olallieberry, two thirds blackberry, one third European red raspberry, 100% delightful in the form of pie!

As well as the world's cutest thrift shop! The Love Me 2 Times Thrift Shop was in an adorable little bungalow and all the rooms were set up in themes like the rooms of a house. Above are the kitchen and closet rooms.
Surprisingly, I didn't actually find anything to take home here. Partly because I was rushing a bit as Clover was ready to head back to camp and partly because I had already picked up several things in Santa Barbara and wasn't trying all that hard. I was mostly just enjoying the terminal cuteness of it all.

This was the beautiful cliff-side cafe with the breathtaking view I mentioned in the previous post. We stopped here on our drive back home along the coast through Big Sur, one of the most majestic places on earth. It was a lovely way to take it all in and finish off our trip :)
Alright, that's it for the trip pics, thanks for indulging me. The next post will be back to business and all about the finds! Also, I'll pick up with my weekly picks posts next week :)