Whether you're having a cozy evening at home or out partying it up,
I hope you're all having fun tonight :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (12.30.08)

First of all, her outfit makes me want to run out and buy a pair of lace tights STAT. I love how the lacy pattern mixes here with the pattern on the dress. Also, vintage silk cocktail dress (that she found for a dollar by the way, bravo) + black velvet belt + lace stockings + leather bag = brilliant mix of textures! Who needs color to be interesting?
Check out the 100% Thrifted flickr group for more fabulous fully thrifted outfits.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Recent Finds
Wow, it's been way too long since I've simply posted some of my thrift finds! Here are some goodies I've picked up over the past few weeks: Christmas-y finds that came in pairs :)
The vintage ornaments were practically free at 20% off of 25 cents each at the Welfare League Thrift. I found these wonderful vintage wool gloves at the Hospice Thrift. They were a bit pricey at 8 dollars but they had never been worn, were still attached with the size large tag, fit me perfectly, AND look at those adorable details! I needed new gloves too so the timing was perfect. I got this cute little vintage faux fur collar with velvety ties at the Welfare League Thrift for a dollar.
I pretty much have no words for how awesome this vintage bird scarf is. Another Welfare League Thrift find for only $2, it has no label of any kind, I wish I knew more about it. The material is so soft and thin enough that you can see through it. It's super light and airy and the print, oh my gosh, the print is so amazing...

I found this lovely 1947 copy of Little Women at Sacks for a dollar. It's in wonderful condition and has beautiful illustrations.

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008

One thing I was especially inspired by when reading through her archives was her infectious love of terrariums and since reading this post in particular, I've been wanting to try making some of my own.
Lucky for me and anyone else interested in trying their hand at terrarium making, Amy put together this wonderful easy-to-follow tutorial for the Domino Magazine site which takes you step-by-step through the process. I am now officially left with no excuse not try it for myself.

I love the way they look grouped together with their similar, yet slightly different, shapes and sizes, unfortunately they're quite small at around 4 inches tall not including the lids. I would have to find something pretty tiny to plant in them. So I'm thinking I may just fill these with something interesting to display.

The blog, called Record the Day, consists of pictures of the most beautiful collection of date stamped inspiration collages. If you're like me and love looking at other people's inspiration boards, notebooks, etc. or just enjoy collections of lovely things, I highly recommend checking it out.

So we'll see what I'm able to come up with. I'll do an update post once I get some completed. In the meantime, these are some recent flickr favorites that I've found inspiring:

Originally uploaded by melissamh

Originally uploaded by tiny palpitation

Originally uploaded by Justin and Elise

Originally uploaded by SarahIvy
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Fussy Bohemian
Most of my dresses are better suited for warm weather, but when I started thinking about putting together an outfit that might be worthy of posting, I remembered this peach dress that my friend Laura Jane thrifted and gave to me months ago. It was too hot out to wear it for so long that I kinda forgot about it. I love its little pearly buttons :)

Especially paired with the granny boots, this dress could easily have gone the fussy secretary route, but I liked the combination of the peach with the plum colored floral vest and the subtle mix of patterns. Along with my little Guatemalan belt it brought me right back to my bohemian comfort zone.
I picked up this vintage 70’s denim jacket last year at a local consignment shop. It’s a little beat-up but I fell in love with it’s shape and the faded purpley corduroy detailing. All the corduroy bits were once the navy color where the sleeves have been rolled once. The original owner must have had short arms because if you roll the sleeves one more time the corduroy is the same faded purple color as the rest.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (12.17.08)
Sharing my weekly faves from the Nifty Thrift flickr group where people post pics of their nifty thrifty finds. In other words a weekly spot for me to publicly covet the finds of others :)

Originally uploaded by kristenaderrick

Originally uploaded by jenscloset

Originally uploaded by rags and bones

Milk & Cookies
Originally uploaded by kendra-jane
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (12.16.08)

I love Ashleigh E’s styling too, that mustard hue paired with the fuchsia tights is spectacular and small details like how she matched her bangles to the colors in her scarf make me smile, nicely done!
Check out the 100% Thrifted flickr group for more fabulous fully thrifted outfits.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What We Wore
Flowery cardigan: Vintage (scored for me by my sister-in-law at a clothing swap :)
Stripey top: Thrifted
Jeans: Passed on to me by my sister :)
Shoes: old from JCPenny
Socks: Target
Shoe bows: Gift from Milla :)
Headband: Thrifted scarf
On Clover:
Vintage handmade quilted floral smock dress with pockets in front: This may be my favorite garment I've thrifted for her.
Longsleeve shirt with pink stars: Thrifted
Leggings: Hand-me-downs
Shoes: Target

We had a little mother/daughter pose-off the other day...check her out! She's got Blue Steel DOWN and I swear she practices Magnum when I'm not looking ;)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Red, Gold, and Green
Its leaves were still quite green just a couple of weeks ago when I took my last outfit photo, but on Monday afternoon (jeez, how did it get to be Friday already?) the sun was shining on it in a way that set the leaves aflame.

This green cardigan is a favorite, bought while I was pregnant (hence its large size) from a local vintage store on sale for $5. I love the colorful yarn embroidered flowers, the big covered buttons, and the shape of the collar. Other than the tights, the outfit is 100% thrifted.

Monday evening we went on a little family outing to pick out a Christmas tree from the lot down the street. We had to get a little one that would fit up on a table high enough that you-know-who would not be able to reach the ever-so-tempting shiny ornaments.
Here’s our cute little tree, which you can see is about the size of an average window. It’s decorated with a mix of things thrifted and non-thrifted, vintage and new-bought items. Clover is quite taken with it and so am I. She was barely three months old last year so this is kind of her first real Christmas which is fun.

We decorated the tree while sipping hot cocoa and listening to the soundtrack from A Charlie Brown Christmas. The best Christmas music there is in my opinion, it sets that perfect warm nostalgic mood without being cheesy and is absolutely perfect for cuddling up, dimming the lights and gazing at our sweet lil’ tree… I’ve been listening to it a lot lately :)
In case that first clip was too melancholy and you need some cheering up :)