It's official folks, my daughter has a new personal style icon. She's been dressed like this for days now, making people smile everywhere we go!
We recreated Gretel's look from her existing wardrobe just for fun on Thursday night and she was refusing to take it off until I finally convinced her Saturday morning that another one of her dresses was "Gretel" enough to wear while I washed this outfit. She was sleeping in it.

We've started keeping a close eye on the nesting boxes in our chicken coop. The girls are just over 5 months old now, which means they could start laying very soon! Did you notice the new face to the left of Clover in the first photo?
Our suspected rooster did indeed begin crowing bright and early one morning. We ended up trading him in for a Light Brahma close in age. The Light Brahmas are such pretty chickens. I love her feathery feet.
Getting the other three to accept her was a bit more of a challenge than we had hoped for. She's still kind of the odd chicken out, but at least the others aren't trying to peck her to death anymore.
Surprisingly, the little brown Speckled Sussex, which I previously described as being the sweet one, turned out to be the most vicious toward our new friend. Probably a combination of being upset over the "loss of her man" and seeing her chance to no longer be at the bottom of the pecking order.
Clover has been renaming the chickens with random names that include Kettle Corn (little brown one), Hiccup (the new girl), and Phillipe (I don't think she can tell the other two apart so Phillipe is sort of a collective name). I think Kettle Corn and Hiccup are gonna stick. Not so sure about this Phillipe business, will probably keep Hazel and Nettle for the other two, it's almost like I saw this coming...
Haha, she's such a funny kid. It appears she has inherited my outfit posing genes too :)
She looks so cute and stylish! Gretal is a fantastic choice. I love fairytales as you know :)
oh my lawd, that child is cute. little girls are totally my style icons. the girls at my sons playgroup are always giving me ideas. she's a doll.
she's too adorable! i have to admit she has great fashion sense :) fun to also hear about the chickens.
I wish that I had that kind of fashion courage. I used to be a nanny in college for a little boy that would not leave the house without donning his superhero cape. His grandmother had found it for him at a yard sale. It was homemade and one side was batman and the other was superman. This superhero phase lasted for nearly a year.
Oh my God! That last pose is totally YOU!!!
Hahaha not only your poses but your great fashion sense! She looks so pretty! You have to show us more pictures of her next Gretel outfits! =D
She's adorable :) And I'm glad she gets to be around chickens like that, so many kids miss out on simple things like fresh eggs and farm animals!
the perfect little gretel! that is so rad that you guys are recycling/repurposing clothes that she already has to create amazing new costumes for her. that kid is going to grow up to be a creative whiz and so as long as she doesn't get tempted by a candy-covered witch house ;) i love that she is a triumphant little gretel, making her some kind of girl's heroine! SO RAD. the chickens are gorgeous too.
Clover is amazing with a capital ZING! What a little actress, she should take to the stage, I'm sure she'd be splendid at it. I'm so jealous/excited about your chickens. I can't wait to get some more of my own. Big Love and a hug for Clover!
she's so pretty in her outfit!!! I love these shots so much!
That is thee sweetest thing I've seen in a long time! Clover looks adorable and I never thought they paid that much attention to what we were doing (outfit posts), until I had Olivia model a couple of items for my Etsy shop! She started right in with the posing!
Love!!! Hiccup and Kettle Corn names :D I want some chicks of my own- just found a vintage egg basket... just need some birdies!
Your little girl is adorable! And I'm envious of your little brood of chickens. I've been wanting to get some backyard chickens but I'm not sure how they would do in our cold MN winter.
Clover is already a style icon at such a young man. Ha, and so cute!
Our fort was the best! The two guys are originally from Pasadeno but are now living in Santa Barbara and Pomona :)
SHe is so precious! I tried to name a cat gretta once but it didn't go over so well with the family, I still love that name though. Maybe someday I will have a lil one with that name! It's so exciting to have pretty chickens that make snacks for you! :)
awwwwww...clover is just too much! what a sweet little gal. gretel is the perfect first style icon for her!
This is utter fabuolousness...I hope to see more Clover posts in the future, where she will undoubtedly discover numerous other style icons!
Oh Gretel is so cute and her style is a breath of fresh air!
It's weird when the sweetest lil chickie in the world just gets mean. Twinkie was my smart, sweet, gentle little baby. I had to get rid of her brother Farina and yikes! She never forgave me.
Oh my, her outfit is perfect....I want to dress like Gretel now, too!
So weird, I just read about how to introduce a new chicken so it doesn't get pecked to death. Wondered if it would have been as simple as it sounded, though. Glad to hear that Hiccup is making the transition, in any case :)
she is adorable! what an awesome sense of style her mommy distilling in her! yay! This post makes me so happy! :)
This is sooo super cute!!!
Keep it up and thanks for sharing!
All the best
Midnight Couture Girls
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