I was tagged AGES ago by three lovely ladies Shellbell, Nicky, and Teenysparkles with the Happy 101 blog award. Thanks girls! With this award comes the responsibility of listing 10 things that make me happy…
… and what could be happier than one’s birthday! Mine was on Monday and while there were no raging parties, just a nice mellow day, it was a happy one, so without further ado, here are some random pics and sources of happiness from my birthday:

1. Going out to breakfast: Lucas and I walked down to a favorite breakfast café for a nice hot cup of coffee accompanied by yummy biscuits and gravy w/ eggs and hash browns.

2. Hanging out with my sweetie, just the two of us: He took the day off work and Clover spent the first half of the day at
The Farm, so we got some rare alone time.

3. Sneaking into café bathrooms to take pictures of myself… just kidding... it’s the dress, the dress!

How could one not be happy in this dress?!
4. Strolling through the
Luther Burbank Home and Gardens: It may not be the prettiest time of year, but there were still delights to be found. Like this amazing mustard bed.

Check out those gorgeous leaves!

And the fact that nothing else was in bloom made this blossom-packed plum tree stand out all the more.

The story of how Martin Luther got his nickname, The Plant Wizard : )

5. Arriving home from our morning stroll to find a big birthday package from
Milla-the-magnificent waiting at the doorstep, talk about perfect timing! I’ve mentioned before how happy the gift of thrift makes me and this package was especially awesome. I love a good theme, and just look at all that blue thrifty goodness: plaid, polka dots, floral, denim, stripes, gingham, yay!
It also contained this large magazine-sized photo print-out that will be going up on my wall for sure. Seriously, is there anything happier than a field full of smiling hippies? I say no way.

But wait there’s more in the thrift gift department, because over the weekend I received a package from the lovely
Amber (we share a birthday!) and, along with a gorgeous sun-dress that has me itching for warm spring days, was this adorable dress for Clover and lil’ rainboots too, so cute!

6. Thrifting (of course!): Lucas stayed home with Clover and I spent the afternoon blissfully thrifting away. Most of my finds ended up being for other people, including a bunch of fun little goodies for my giveaway package, but I did find this awesome 70’s thread rack for $2 which I’ve turned into a holder for my necklaces and I love it. It makes me very happy :D

7. Returning home to one of Lucas’ home cooked meals: He’s a great cook and he whipped up some roasted chicken with vegetables, mashed potatoes, salad, and fresh baked bread… yum! His new bread baking hobby has been making me VERY happy lately.

8. Chocolate cake… ‘nuff said. The candles are thrifted too! They have little flowers around the base :)
9. Hangin’ with family: We are lucky to live really close to most of both our immediate families and two of Lucas' sisters live right on our street. So, they came down with their families for an impromptu cake and ice cream gathering along with some present opening. My sister-in-law Isolde’s birthday was two days before so we blew out the candles and opened our gifts together.
10. Clover’s dress-up stylings: Always a source of happiness… and why more princesses do not incorporate feathered headdresses into their royal attire is beyond me… I think she’s really on to something here!
I’m supposed to pass this on to 10 more bloggers, but I’m gonna be lazy and pull the ol’ whoever wants to do it, I pass it on to you, and let me know if you do cause I’d love to hear what makes you happy :)