The other day I found this cotton, presumably 90's, button-down baby-doll dress for $4.50 at Salvos. I like the soft faded plaid AND it even has side pockets! I also picked up the adorable little boy's bow tie on the same trip (the lady didn't even charge me for it :). Aren't they just perfect together?
Among life's simple pleasures, the more common than one might imagine phenomena of thrift finds that magically seem destined to be together is a personal favorite. I love the way the floral print on this recently thrifted skirt ($3, Salvos) and the small flower painting I found for a dollar at the Hospice Thrift compliment one another and seem to call out springtime in unison.

Now, you may be wondering, what in tarnation does any of this have to do with a giveaway? Well first of all, no, I'm not planning to give away the above items. In fact, I'm not even sure yet what I'm planning to give away because that all depends on who enters and wins, and of course what the thrifty powers that be happen to send my way for said person.
As I've mentioned before, since starting this blog, I've discovered my LOVE of thrift swaps, and more specifically, the art of putting together individualized thrift packages. I really can't even tell you how much fun it is for me and if I could make a viable career out of being a personal thrift shopper, I so would.
In relation to the topic of the post, I love how themes seem to always work their way into the putting together of these packages. I'm convinced there is something magical about it all ;)
So, as a way of paying tribute to my one year blogiversary and the reaching of my 200th post, both of which I recently let slip by without noticing, and also just cause I think it would be fun, I'd like to say thanks by giving all my readers, and yes that includes you if you happen to have just randomly stumbled here for the first time, a chance to receive a personalized thrift package put together just for you by none other than yours truly :)
So if you're interested, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. Simple as that. I'll leave it open for a week (through next Tuesday) then come up with some method of randomly choosing a name probably involving some sort of vessel containing names on pieces of paper and I'll announce the winner later in the week. Good luck!
P.S. - I'm off to Santa Cruz for a few days to visit a good friend I haven't seen since we were both pregnant. We're going to introduce our daughters who are only a few months apart in age for the first time so I'm excited. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and they live near the beach, so it should be lots of fun. I'll continue with my Weekly Picks posts next week. Hope you all have a great week!