Clover and I saw Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers play last night at a local radio station's free outdoor concert. I was too busy cuddling with my girl and being spellbound by Nicki's beautiful voice to take pictures, but I found these gorgeous photos by feather love photography for your viewing pleasure :)
We'll be off to Guerneville soon for a peaceful stroll under the towering redwoods at Armstrong, followed by the opening of our niece Chiara's first solo art show tonight.
Tomorrow some friends of ours (remember the whiskeydrunk cycles guys?) are putting on a free community event to celebrate mustaches and bicycles (love this town) with bicycle-themed art, food & drink, the whiskeydrome, great live music, and a mustache competition, all on top of a downtown Santa Rosa parking garage with free valet bike parking. Should be fun!
Hope you all have some fun stuff planned for the weekend too :)
oh my goodness i am so excited to finally discover nicki bluhm! i used to LOVE tim bluhm and the mother hips (some early darin & i days revolved around dancing at their free concerts in the park in sac)...feels like forever ago...and this is perfectly serendipitous because just the other day i saw my old best friend nate for the first time in a few years; he and i were the huged tim bluhm fans together back in the day.
i had heard her name but sort of bypassed it. now i am SMITTEN as well! thank you so very much for the introduction. the song in the top video (her voice, the beach, the whistling, the handsome moustachioed men, etc...) is absolutely killing me. i think i have to buy her album immediately and i am looking for a tour date near me.
have the loveliest of weekends dear heart! whiskeydrome whirlings!
I love the photo with the antlers, I need hardly say! so cool.
p.s. I am very excited that you are keen on the zine idea :)
love your photos xoxox
ooooh! i'm smitten with her hair! thanks for these pictures, i need a new haircut!
nice! i usually am not a huge fan of girl singers but i actually like her! it doesn't hurt either that she is adorable ;D
Wowza! I can't wait to check out some Missa-approved music. These images are gorgeous. Seems to me that you guys are flitting from social happening to next and only your copious postings (2 since I last checked the interwebs) tell me that you're still a nerd at heart ;) Have fun my sweet! Thanks for the introduction.
Lovely photos, and thanks for sharing the music, I'm always in need of more lovely listenings.
I wish I could go to Armstrong someday, looks and sounds like an amazing place to be.
Also, I hope you got photos of the mustache competition! Heehee...
ohhh this is so lovely! I approve thoroughly.
Lovely, lovely, I adore finding singers that seem transported from some other time. Santa Rosa sounds like a dream town during the summer!
Lordy, they sound so great together and are completely hippy cute. I've never heard of her, thanks for sharing :D
I had just saw these pics the other day when I came across feather love photography. Oh so Gorgeous & such a beautiful voice she has:)) Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to following your blog.
yum! so they're local? ah...i just read heather's comment...the dude was in the motherhips. i really love the energy between her and her band. and i want her house okthanksbye. thanks for posting about her...now i really want to go see her!
how was the whiskeydrome event? we didn't go the gaia festival...that was a passing lunacy. ;)
Do you live in the best town ever, or what?! Love hearing/seeing about the goings ons.
Second: love that you didn't take pictures and enjoyed the music and clover on your lap. I've been reminding myself lately to put the camera down and take it whatever's going on in front of me. To not always feel obligated to "capture" all that happens. Easier said than done for bloggers, eh?
Off to check out this pretty lady now.
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