Normally I wouldn’t post such a decidedly unthrifted outfit, buuuut I was wearing those newly thrifted boots, so here you go:
I realized that it’s been well over a year now that I've been thrifting/buying second hand all of my clothes (excluding underwear, socks, and tights, though I have had some luck with thrifting new tights). There are still enough stragglers though, like this Forever 21 sweater and cardi and my trusty GAP skinny jeans, left over from my days of mall shopping, that I will still occasionally find myself in a completely non-thrifted outfit.

I started thrifting as a kid. We didn’t have much money growing up and at the end of each summer my sisters and I would get a small amount that we could spend on new clothes for school. Then my mom would take us to the thrift stores.
At the time, I probably would have rather been going hog wild at the ESPRIT or Benneton stores, ah the 80’s, but I think this is when I first began trying to recreate designer or whatever looks using thrifted finds, I‘ve always enjoyed that challenge. With so many vintage-inspired designs out there these days too, it only seems to be getting easier!
Into junior high and highschool, I became interested in various “alternative” styles… punk, hippie, grunge, what have you, and thrift stores became less of a necessity and more of a choice.

As for the present, I never consciously decided to do a retail shopping ban, it was something that just sort of happened naturally for me. I don’t have any rules set for myself that I can’t go and buy something new if I choose, though I have become more conscious of the ramifications of feeding into the “mass market machine” and I’m all for re-use as a consumption alternative.
I will admit though that my motives have been mostly selfish: I like shopping for clothes and the cheaper the clothes, the more of them I can afford to shop for (with me at home and the majority of our extra cash going toward home improvement these days this is important), I love vintage and find the unique types of pieces that can’t be found in the mall more aesthetically pleasing and interesting to work with, and perhaps most importantly I thrive on the thrill of the hunt and the high one gets from a really excellent find…
… like these for example : )
More fun with Rollip for the braid wednesday flickr group.
*BTW, Frankie Magazine has some fun free wallpapers to spice up your desktop, including the two images I posted here. Found via Loveology.*