Good news! My sister-in-law Zoe's stolen van was recovered, a bit ransacked, but with no major damage. All her Santa Cruz thrift finds AND my book were still in the van... yay!
I fell in love with this book for its gorgeous melancholy illustrations. It was published in the 60's, my favorite decade in vintage children's books. I'm drawn to the sparse use of color and vaguely haunting images that seem to have been common in children's books of that decade.
Lucas jokes.. ok, "jokes" is probably not the right word... that maybe ALL of Clover's books don't need to be creepy... he may actually have a point there ;)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Santa Cruzin, Part 2
As promised, pics from my Santa Cruz camping trip and it only took me a week to get them up this time... yay for me ;)We camped at Sunset State Beach just a few miles south of Santa Cruz and had a lovely woodland campsite bordering grassy, ice plant and shrub-covered dunes which separated the campground from the beach.
I took LOTS of pictures. Even this cluttered mess in the Duck somehow looked lovely to me in the morning sun.
We made the trip with my sister-in-law Zoë and her family again, us in the Duck and them in their cute little teardrop trailer. I guess this probably makes them our official camping buddies.It’s awesome traveling with them because Clover loves having her older cousins around to play with and they, being avid campers, really have the whole routine down.
Not only did Zoë make our campsite nice and homey with floral oilcloth for the picnic table and fresh roses from her yard, she also cooked ALL of our campsite meals for us and we’re talkin delicious stuff like fried potatoes and yummy cheese-y bacon-y eggs for breakfast! Surrounding the campground were seemingly endless fields of strawberries...
That combined with the fact that I had just seen Across the Universe the day before we left, resulted in this song playing non-stop in my head throughout the weekend.
As far as songs-to-get-stuck-in-your-head go, I’d say I got pretty lucky and it actually just added a bit of a dreamy quality to the whole experience.

I do also realize that I have my daughter wearing an article of clothing straight from my own list of Nevers *gasp* but I’d like to state that for the record, crocs can actually be kind of cute if they are pink and your feet are less than four inches long ;)

I totally broke down and got her sand toys and this little rash guard/shorts ensemble at Target before the trip. I know, not very thrifty of me, but look at her! How could I resist?!

Not a very thrift related post, I know, but we did actually head downtown for some thrifting after leaving the museum. The only item I ended up with though was a vintage children’s book.
Zoë had better luck and left with a bag full of stuff, though the luck ran out when her van with her thrift finds and my book still in it, was stolen (!!!) a few days after returning home. A bummer thing to have happen after such an awesome trip, but I think they’re already getting excited about the idea of getting a new car, so I guess there’s that!
If you’re still reading… hey, thanks for sitting through all my travel pics!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nifty Thrift Picks of the Week (5.22.09)

Originally uploaded by mayalu

Originally uploaded by halowrites

Originally uploaded by littlepinkstudio
Trying to inspire myself to finally dust off the old sewing machine... I think it might be working. Also, this one didn't quite fit with the theme but since I'm still loving all things alphabet, take a look at these cool wooden letters too :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
100% Thrifted Pick of the Week (5.21.09)

For more fabulous fully thrifted outfits check out the 100% Thrifted flickr group :)
Now for some (not necessarily thrifted) floral inspiration from my flickr faves:

Monday, May 18, 2009
Santa Cruzin, Part 1
We had a great time camping over the weekend and there will be pictures from our trip soon (I promise this time) but first I thought I’d share the pics from my last trip which was now like two months ago that never made it onto the blog.
Clover and I took our first solo mother/daughter road trip to Santa Cruz to hang out with my friend Kristen and her daughter Zoe for a few days back in March. With all the craziness of becoming moms for the first time, we hadn’t seen one another since we were both pregnant and it was so much fun to get to spend time with her and meet eachother’s little ones, only a few months apart in age. They hit it off splendidly! Kristen and I first met twelve years ago when we worked together at the UC Davis Marine Lab in Bodega Bay. So it was fitting that one of our destinations would be a UC marine lab discovery center. Interesting to us as biologists, yet plenty of neat stuff to keep the girls entertained, perfect!
Kristen’s husband who works out at the lab took a little break to come say hello and I got him to snap a picture of us sitting on the giant elephant seal statue out front. Those starfish, by the way, were HUGE and very cool. Peeking into a classroom that was apparently set up for some sort of sea otter lab made me feel a little nostalgic for my days as a UC Santa Cruz marine biology student.
The full skeleton of a blue whale next to the building was pretty amazing too.
If the fact that Kristen lives just a short walk away from a pretty awesome beach wasn’t enough to make me envy her situation a little then you can bet the fact that right across the street from said beach is the cutest little natural history museum in existence sure as hell did!
Oddly enough, it too had a life-sized whale out front (see Clover for scale ;) and that little girl sitting on it kept making me think of the film Whalerider.

On the way into town, I saw a van parked in a field with a big sign that said THRIFT STORE, so of course before getting back on the road I had to go check it out. Unfortunately, the place turned out to be pretty creepy but not in a good creepy thrift store kind of way where hidden gems are to be found, just crap and lots of it.
The sign on the side of the building that bordered an overgrown empty lot turned out to be the coolest thing about it. I do really like that photo though, so that’s good enough for me.
P.S. Looking forward to catching up on all your lovely blogs!